There is a specific process to follow for claiming PIP.
There is more detailed guidance on the DWP website on the application process but the general points are given below.
We will be updating this page shortly with more indepth guidance and support.
Stage 1 - Claim by Telephone or Post
The claim process normally begins with an initial phone call where you (or your representative) will need to provide some basic information.
For the list on information please see

You can complete this stage by asking for a paper PIP1 form. However, in either case the you are advised to make your claim as soon as possible as the start date of entitlement is linked to the date you make your claim by telephone or request a copy of the claim form PIP1
Stage 2 - How your disability affects you
Once the DWP are satisfied that you have met the basic conditions of entitlement relating to age and residence, a ‘How your disability affects you’ form (PIP2) and an information booklet is sent to you by post. This form is for you to describe how your health condition or disability affects your daily life, on both good and bad days and over a range of activities.

Ensure that you return the form within one calendar month of the form being sent to you.

CAUK strongly advises that you seek advice from someone or an organisation that has specific legal knowledge about this part of the PIP claim process.
Stage 3 - The Assessment process
Sometimes the DWP can make a decision by using just the written information that you send to them, but some people are required to attend a face-to-face consultation with a Health Professional (HP) who considers the evidence you have already provided along with any further evidence they think is needed.
During Covid-19 face-to-face consultations have been replaced by telephone consultations.
The HP is required to assess you as an individual and focuses on the impact your condition has on your daily life and over a range of different activities.
The HP will complete the assessment and will send a report back to the DWP who will then use all of this information to decide entitlement to PIP. The HP does not decide on entitlement to PIP but does influence the outcome.
The Decision and Awards
The DWP decision maker will decide whether to make an award of PIP based on the impact of your health condition or disability on your daily life and ability to live independently. The length of any award of PIP will be based upon your individual circumstances and takes account of changing needs over a period of time.

Awards vary in length from 9 months to 10 years, depending on when changes in your needs could be reasonably expected, with reviews set at regular periods. The maximum time between reviews is 10 years.
Limited term awards will be given where changes in needs may be reasonably expected – these will be up to 2 years and have a fixed end date.
You will have Your award regularly reviewed, regardless of the length of the award to make sure you continue to receive the most appropriate level of support. For more details about PIP reviews please go to
It is also especially important to keep your details up to date with regards to this benefit. If your circumstances change, your entitlement may change see: to explain what you must do in this situation.

For emotional and practical support please contact us, please see our contact page