In this section we aim to provide you with information on, and useful links to, various government benefits and schemes that you may be entitled to due to financial circumstances and/or the way in which day to day life is affected by your Cavernoma and associated conditions.
The post diagnosis world can be especially difficult when your symptoms are new, changing and scary. For some of you, your ability to hold down a job, support yourself and your family and carrying on living life as you always intended an impossible dream. You may be a close family member of someone affected by a condition such as a Cavernoma; in which case your life too may be affected as you become a carer to that person.
The Government provides a system of financial support whilst other support is provided by a number of charitable and voluntary organisations, such as CAUK, to help make life that little bit easier for you and those around you.
CAUK has put together this list of welfare benefits and grants that are available; you may be eligible for one or more of these benefits so please check the list carefully to decide whether or not your circumstances mean that you may be entitled to some financial assistance towards your daily living costs, housing costs and/or extra help due to the way in which your condition affects you as someone living with a Cavernoma or as someone caring for a person with a Cavernoma.
What Benefits are available?
- Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
PIP helps with the extra cost associated with ill-health or disability; it has gradually been replacing Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for those aged between 16 year and state pension age. You can also see our Guide to Claiming PIP here - Employment Support Allowance
ESA provides financial support to help with living costs if you’re unable to work and supports you to get back into work if you’re able to. - Universal Credit
Universal Credit is a payment to help with your living costs. You may be able to get it if you’re on a low income, out of work or you cannot work. Universal Credit has gradually been replacing a number of legacy benefits. - Carers Allowance
Carer’s Allowance can be claimed if you care for someone who is severely disabled at least 35 hours a week and they get certain benefits. - Disability Facilities Grant
You may be able to apply for a Disability Facilities Grant (DFG) if you are disabled and need to make necessary adaptations to your home to improve your quality of life - Access to Work
If you’re disabled or have a physical or mental health condition and the help you need at work is not covered by your employer making reasonable adjustments you may be able to claim help from Access to Work - Blue Badge Scheme
The Blue Badge Scheme provides a range of parking benefits for disabled people with severe walking difficulties who travel either as drivers or as passengers. - Vehicle Tax Exemption
In some circumstances, and if you are receiving certain benefits, you can apply for exemption from paying vehicle tax.
This list is not exhaustive. For more information on other financial help that you may get if you are disabled, please go to
What can CAUK do to help?
CAUK will offer all the help and support it can for any member during a claim process, and we have several experienced members of the team who can help you.
Contact CAUK about the support we have available by using the details below.
Where claiming benefits or applying for a grant, please ensure that you take all relevant advice before submitting your benefit claim or grant application.
For emotional and practical support please contact us, please see our contact page