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Universal Credit

Universal Credit is a payment to help with your living costs. It’s paid monthly – or twice a month for some people in Scotland.

You may be able to get it if you’re on a low income, out of work or you cannot work. Universal Credit has gradually been replacing a number of legacy benefits, these are –

  • Income Support (IS)
  • Jobseeker’s Allowance – income based (JSA(IB)
  • Employment and Support Allowance – income related (ESA(IR)
  • Housing Benefit (HB)
  • Working Tax Credit (WTC)
  • Child Tax Credit (CTC)

There are further specifics related to your eligibility to claim for Universal Credit. To see more information visit

The money received when claiming Universal Credit is a basic allowance and then additions to that based on factors such as children, disability and rent requirements. How much you receive also depends on your earnings. For details visit

You cannot get Universal Credit if you are assessed as having capital of more than £16,000.

If you live with a partner, your partner’s income and savings (capital) is considered even if your partner is not eligible for Universal Credit. If you are employed, your earnings and those of any partner affect the amount of Universal Credit you can get. Your Universal Credit payment will reduce gradually as you earn more. But you are allowed to earn a certain amount, known as the ‘work allowance’ before your Universal Credit is reduced.

For more detail about how your earnings affect your Universal Credit entitlement, go to

UC is claimed on-line on the GOV.UK website –

There is also a set of very useful videos on YouTube –

You will need to set up an account and maintain your UC account; it can be very daunting for those with physical and mental health problems so ensure that you take appropriate advice from an independent organisation such as Citizens Advice.

There is further detailed on this complex benefit and how to claim on the government website with sections on