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CAUK Members Survey 2021 Results

We are delighted to be sharing the results from our recent member survey. We are continually working to improve the information and resources we provide so we are extremely grateful and pleased with the feedback we have received. This year has been challenging for everyone and we are so happy that we were able to offer much needed support for our members during this difficult time.

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Home Learning Resources

We have spoken to a number of teaching staff, done a little research and have put together a few resources which may help you to help your children. Hopefully it might take the pressure off by showing you some new ideas, offer support and show you that you are doing a great job.

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David’s Birthday Fundraiser; £8000 for 80 years

Our wonderful science advisor and all-round key player at CAUK, David White CBE, is turning 80 years old! David has seen CAUK expand amazingly since the early 2000’s. He would love you to join his campaign for his 80th birthday to raise funds as a thank you for the wonderful support that CAUK has provided to us all since its foundation in 2005.

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Remote Learning during Lockdown using Game Consoles

The return to remote teaching has prompted concerns about whether all families will now have the hardware they need to be able to access education. However, one short term solution, at least for pupils who still do not have access to a laptop but do have a gaming console.

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Lockdown 2021

In light of further coronavirus restrictions put in place across the UK we wanted to let you know that CAUK is here for you. We understand that the current situation will cause further anxiety, pressure and uncertainty for many of our cavernoma community during already challenging times.

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Annual Survey 2020

Help us to help you, by taking 10-15 mminutes to fill out our annual survey. Your feedback help guide the support CAUK provides in 2021 and beyond.

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